Heavenly Dreams and Visions
God's "LAST DAYS" Promise
by Bruce and Connie Vyverberg
Beginning with the book of Genesis and throughout history, heavenly dreams and visions
have been a part of the human experience through which the Lord has
spoken to mankind. The Scriptures tell us that the Lord spoke to
kings, priests, wise men, prophets, and ordinary people using these
mediums. At times, He even spoke to unbelievers. He is a wonderfully
wise God and out of His great love for all people, He has designed a
wide variety of unique ways to communicate His messages. In particular,
we find the Bible filled with stories of how the Lord often gave dreams
or visions as a means to direct, instruct, encourage, warn, correct,
and even reveal His coming judgment on people as well as nations. It
has been stated that there are over 100 Bible references regarding heavenly
dreams and visions. These include the New Testament
declaration on the Day of Pentecost by the apostle Peter when he quoted
the Old Testament prophet Joel saying:
the last days, God said, “I will pour out my Holy Spirit upon all
mankind, and your sons and daughters will prophesy, and your young men
shall see visions, and your old men dream dreams.”
(Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17)
you believe as we do, that we are presently living in the last days,
then we can expect these kinds of glorious supernatural experiences to
happen in our lives today through these unusual, yet Biblically common
While discussing the Biblical truths regarding heavenly dreams and visions,
there will always be well meaning Christians, including leaders, who
incorrectly believe these supernatural occurrences are limited to only
that time in history. Others will wrongly assume it to be an extraneous
Biblical subject, or one that is not important, valid or relevant
to our everyday lives.
of this, the teachings on heavenly dreams and visions are often
discarded or overshadowed in favor of other Bible topics considered
more worthy of attention. However, nothing could be further from the
truth or more detrimental to hearing the voice of God in our daily
lives. It is only when we begin to renew our thinking by embracing the
Scriptures on this subject, thereby gaining the Lord's perspective
rather than our own, that our personal experiences with heavenly dreams and visions will be greatly enhanced and the God-given benefits will be greater than one could hope or imagine.
For some 30 years the Lord has spoken to Connie and me through this vehicle of Heavenly Dreams and Visions countless
times and about many things. From convicting us of our personal sin,
to helping us evangelize the lost, to protecting us from people with
evil intentions, to where to invest our money, to even showing us how to
fix our lawn mower; you name it and it seems like He's addressed it.
More importantly, is the Lord's desire to cultivate a deeper and more
intimate relationship with us all through these avenues of dreams and
visions. Contrary to what some may believe, it is far from an
extraneous subject; not when the Lord is doing the talking! The only
question we must ask ourselves is:
"Will we allow, welcome and even invite Him to do so?"
is important for us to understand that the heavenly dreams and or visions of
those in 5-fold ministry will often be different in content than those
of a lay person. The former will oftentimes deal much with the Kingdom
of God and their specific ministry, while the latter will deal mostly
with the person's daily spiritual, family and work or business life. We
do not serve a "cookie cutter" God. He deals with each of us
individually and uniquely.
book was written with a great desire to help people begin to recognize
and then understand the intended meaning behind their own heavenly
dreams and or visions. We hope that our personal stories and the
teachings that go with them will help spark a greater hunger, love and
intimacy with the Lord than you have ever known. We believe that once
you become aware of the Lord speaking in your own life through heavenly
dreams and visions, you will never be the same again. While it is one
thing to read about such things, it is far more exhilarating and life
changing to experience your own. Glory to His Name!
assured that we take no personal pride in our spiritual experiences of
heavenly dreams and visions. They are rather a holy and sovereign work
of the Lord and are being used as testimonies to bring honor and glory
to His name. In the following pages, it is our desire to both resist
the temptation to either embellish or water down our heavenly
experiences just to make them more palatable to skeptical Christians or
an unbelieving world.
sharing these true stories as accurately and simply as we can, we
believe that you will be able to capture the Lord's great and loving
desire to uplift the discouraged, heal those who are sick and bring
inspiration, direction and comfort to us all by making the Scriptures
come alive through this medium of heavenly dreams and visions;
wonderfully enriching our relationship and experiences with Him.
In the following pages, we will use the Bible as our plumb-line
for setting the precedent as well as the final authority for any
revelations received through a heavenly dream or vision. So get ready,
because He is a great, great God and Father who loves talking to all of
His children; and that means you!
Excerpt from:
Heavenly Dreams and Visions - God's"LAST DAYS" Promise
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